Thursday, July 31, 2008

Best Friends

Sitting in the kitchen tonight laughing and joking with our kids while we were making pizza it just dawned on me that we have become best friends with our kids. It is a really rewarding place to wake up and find yourself. All these years of raising them (and I know we're not done yet) and worrying and praying that we don't mess them up too much in the process has been such a blessing! How and why did Heavenly Father trust us with them? They are so good and fun to be with and I just couldn't pick more amazing people to hang out with. Wow! It is worth it! So to all of you who feel like you are stuck in one certain mode like no sleeping through the night or always changing diapers or running them to everything or always trying to settle fueds or even should we dare have kids let me just say: YES, it is worth it! Here is to all we've been through and all we have yet to survive, KIDS ARE GREAT!!! (Check back with me after school starts:)

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Coco! I love it. I can't believe how big your kids are. And Mariah is a mom! just yesterday she was 12. I miss you guys like crazy. We are back in Queen Creek and loving life. I'm glad to hear there is light at the end of the sleepless tunnel. :) I hope we are doing things right to have them want to be near us when they are older! Love ya. Tell the kids high.
Jennie (Sanders) Plastow

PS here's our blog address


Princess Sweet Pea

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My family is my life, my best friends and my greatest joy on this earth. I
